Laura is from Barrancaberma, Colombia; He is 17 years old and his birthday is October 6, he is a pound.
What he likes is to draw, eat, read, eat, skate, play the piano and sleep; The things he does not like are sweet things if they are salty foods or people who lie holding a grudge and people who do not take situations seriously, they are very suspicious of people who barely know to the point of not wanting to start a conversation. The foods he prefers the most are meat, he does not exercise but goes skating one day a week.
The readings are romance and adventure because it seems to him that drama is the best way to pass the time; Horror movies affect her but she is able to see them because they generate curiosity and fun as the plot unfolds and it is also fun to listen to it and see her being unable to stare at the screen for more than 3 minutes.
She is a person who begins to order a good future looking at what is right or wrong, she had to choose a different career from the one that was her first option because they always tell her that she cannot combine a hobby with a job, in the middle of The way he would begin to irritate and dislike what most caught his attention.
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